Not Your Average Rolling Pin

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a baker -not even a little bit and though I come from a long line of exquisite bakers, I admit the skill skipped me and went directly to my brother whose an avid one. With that admission, I CAN say I support the trade in other ways umm ...taste tests anyone?

I recently came across an awesome culinary tool by artist Zuzia Kozerska that is both useful and artful. Sold through her Etsy shop, Valek Rolling Pins, bakers and designers alike can purchase beautiful graphic laser-engraved rolling pins out of beech wood. The patterns which include typographic and geometric icons like dogs, cats, robots and hamburgers are perfect gifts for a foodie friend or a hostess in addition to being a conversation starter. Note that they come in kids sizes too! Prices start at $41.67.



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